Thursday, February 6, 2014

Food stuffs

Since Mack was a bounce (in a former home), I initially made some incorrect assumptions about him. Specifically about counter surfing. He does. Although it has not happened in a very long time, his victims (at least that I am aware of !) have been 2 peaches, a tomato and a potato.  And although not counter surfing, it was comical to watch him stalk, chase after, pounce on, and eventually eat.... a roach (ewwwww!) on the back porch. yucky!

Since he doesn't seem to discriminate between fruits and vegetables (or other non-food-group items), I've been experimenting with healthy snacks. So far I haven't found anything he won't eat. Even lettuce on the floor, which my two previous dogs would not touch. Here is Mack snacking on some carrot, tomato and zucchini :)  He is oh so gentle when taking food from your hand!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Scents and smells

Mack is really good on walks. He walks a bit slower and lags behind sometimes, but having treats with you changes that in a hurry! This particular day, it was very warm and humid, but it was a morning walk, and we were on the short 15 minute route. However, two houses away from home, Mack decided he'd had enough and plopped down in the cool dewy grass for a break. Didn't have treats with me that day, I'm sure that would have greatly shortened the break!

We are working on "leave it"  on walks too. I let him (and  my own hound) stop and smell mailboxes, etc,  (checking their "pee-mail" ;) )but prefer that they not pee on the mailbox posts (there are plenty of other more acceptable things to pee on during our walks!) It's still a work-in-progress, especially when a new dog or other critter had recently crossed our path, but he's learning!

We have encountered large labs, golden-doodles, medium sized mixes and smaller dogs such a VERY friendly beagle and the neighbors off-leash little toy poodle (ugh). He greats all (dogs and humans) eagerly and friendly. The loose toy poodle did not approach very closely, but barked and danced around staying about 6 feet or so away. Mack was very intent in watching it, but when I asked for a "look" (part of clicker training) he would turn to me and make eye contact for treats. Pretty sure he would of chased the little bugger if he were off leash but was TRHILLED that I could pull his attention to me, even if it was only because of treats! We stayed there for a minute or so while I held Mack's attention, until the owner came and corralled the little dog. Wanted to take every advantage of that training experience!

Hmmmmm what does the breeze tell me today?
 Oh. Hi Mom!!

Out in the yard, more smells ... on the ground...

And in the wind....
Oh what could it be....!!??

Of course! I know!! I smell a putty-tat!!!


Willie ( or Mack as named by his previous owner) was returned through no fault of his own. He is a happy, little fella. We've been fostering him for couple weeks now, and at first he didn't respond to either "Willie" or "Mack",  so we tried to make "Willie" stick. However, I soon learned that "Mack" came out of  my mouth sooner whenever a quick scolding was "Mack" seems to have now stuck.

Don't let that scolding comment scare you though! He is a happy guy, eager to please and food motivated. We've done a little bit of clicker training, and he has learned to be patient for treats, "wait" when the door is opened, or before we cross a street,  and stays "out the kitchen" at human meal times.

Early on, I had a dogbed in his crate. But he would fluff it all up into a large ball, and barely have room to duck in and out of the crate door! So.... I took the bed out, and replaced it with blankets. However, this particular day, he apparently decided that he wanted the bed back INSIDE the crate!!

This picture below was dogbed wash day. Pretty hot day outside, and the bed was fresh from the dryer. Guess he decided that it the weather was too warm to lie on it, so he just kept his feet toasty while the bed cooled a bit more.

Catching a snooze in the last remaining daylight coming in the front windows.


More to come soon as I am way behind in updating his progress!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Pictures: Playtime!